Identity Theft

Alert behavior can help you avoid trouble

Identity theft is an all-too-common crime that involves someone using your personal or financial information without your consent. You can monitor activity by ordering a free credit report every year.


Pay Attention to Warning Signs:

  • Unusual or unexplainable charges on your bills

  • Phone calls or bills for accounts, products, or services that you do not have

  • Failure to receive regular bills or mail

  • New, strange accounts appearing on your credit report

  • Unexpected denial of your credit card


Take Swift Action if You’re a Victim:

  • Visit – This is a trusted, one-stop resource to help you report and recover from identity theft. Information provided here includes checklists, sample letters, and links to other resources.

  • Place a fraud alert on your credit file by contacting a major credit reporting bureau (Trans Union, Experian, or Equifax), which will then notify the other bureaus

  • Alert affected businesses over the phone and in writing, and close tampered accounts or those opened without your consent

  • File a police report and request a copy for yourself because you may need it for businesses requiring proof of the crime

  • Report the crime to the Federal Trade Commission